I'll have to remind myself everyday to write. I don't know what I have to say, but I know there's something there! Being unemployed feels like it sucks out my creativity, which is totally weird, because I have a ton of free time to do whatever I want.
- I'm a married woman now! :o It's true. We were officially engaged in December of last year and got married on July 2nd.
- I do, in fact, live in Germany now. We live in a small apartment in Marburg, which is about an hour north of Frankfurt.
- I've been unemployed for a while now. I only received my work permit a few weeks ago though, so hopefully soon I can find a job. The only problem is... I have no idea what I want to do, or what I'm even able to do...
- A friend of ours, named Sigmundur (or Simmi, as we call him), is visiting from Iceland. He's been here two weeks now, and is going home on Monday. We were in France for a week, where I didn't have any internet.
- I don't really know what I believe at the moment (and have been pretty confused about all that for a long time now). Since Simmi has been here, I have not faster once yet this Ramadan, but I intend to fast for a few days at least.
- I'm happy in Germany but I miss my family and if I could, I would book a trip to Florida to see them for Christmas in a heart beat.